
Reflection on The Fourth Grading Period

     In the subject ICT, I have learned many concepts and ideas. One of it is the Adobe Photoshop. We were taught how to make and edit photos in Photoshop. We were tasked to report on the different functions and tools in Photoshop. Our project for this quarter is creating our own edited photo promoting our school, ISNHS, using the application. We were again tasked to post our blogs. Overall, this quarter was quite enjoyable and ofcourse, I learned a thing or two.

Your Dream Is Not Dead

     Think of your life. Think of what you want and what you don't. Think of your future. What will you be doing? Do you enjoy what you do? Are you genuinely happy? Think.      Everyone plans for their future. But not everything goes the way we want. Something may block our way. We all want to be passionate of our work in the future. We all want to enjoy what we'll do in the future. Show everyone what you are passionate of--- what you really love to do. If someone stands in your way, don't lose hope. Believe in youself. Stand up. Face them. Prove them wrong. Reach your dream.      "Per aspera ad astra". Through difficulties to the stars. That star... it's not dead. Your dream is not dead. Go for it. You can.

High School Day

     One of the most exiting and highly anticipated event of every school is their foundation day celebration. In ISNHS, we have our high school day celebration. This 2019, we are celebrating the 117th.      It is the time to commemorate the birth of oir school. In ours, we have the coronation day wherein selected students are coronated from 9th Prince and Princess to King and Queen. On the second day, we paraded around Vigan. In the afternoon, we had a field demo by grade level.      Honestly I was a bit bored in our high school day but I enjoyed and had fun with my friends. I hope my fellow students enjoyed it as well. After all, it is our school's foundation day.

Kannawidan Festival

     Kannawidan is an Ilocano term meaning feast of rich heritage and culture. It marks the 198th foundation of Ilocos Sur, which separated the province from Ilocos Norte by a Royal Decree on February 2, 1818.      This is an annual festival in Ilocos Sur. Celebrated in Vigan City. Within the duration of this festival, Ilokano culture, tradition, and products are showcased.      This festival is to gather the different municipalities of Ilocos Sur that they may have borderlines and such, but they still can be united. Reference:

Change Starts Within One's Self

     "Change is the only permanent thing on earth."      You can't stop something from changing. You can't resist change. So assist it or do it yourself. Change is terrifying if you don't know what the outcome will be. But you can decide on what it is.      If someone plans to change something, they work hard to be able to do that change. They start with themselves. But one person can not drastically change something so easily. They'd need help. They become influencers.      As Mother Theresa has said, " I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

New Year, New Me

     Many people wonder what their New Year resolution is. They want to be better. They want to be someone new; someone who has changed.      As a student, we want to be better in our studies. People want to be better at what they're good at and be good at what they don't know. They want to change their bad attitudes/ characteristics. But some people change for the worse; which should not be. We should all change for the better.      Others doesn't even change, they become somewhat satisfied with who they are but we won't know for sure. As they say, "change is inevitable."

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities

     It is true that every individual is different, special, but we are all created equal. Each and everyone of us should have equal rights.          Some may consider themselves unlucky and that God is unfair to all. But no, He is fair for He is unfair to all. He won't give us a shortcut to where we want to be, He'll give us opportunities. If you happen to encounter one, grab it.      These opportunities that He gives us are equal for the opportunities given to us are all different but are appropriate for all of us. Therefore, all beings have equal opportunities because these are given to us by Him.