Our Leader Speaks

Last July 23, 2018, the fourth monday of July, Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte had his third SONA. The different accomplishments and concerns about Filipinos were stated and discussed.

I have read his piece and there are those lines that caught my attention. One is, "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives," I remember this line and the reason why he stated this. He means that he values both the present and future, that he has knowledge on what crimes can do to the youth of our country.

"I value friendship, make no doubt of it. But it has its limits," I admire him for saying this- proving that he is not a biased leader.

"I expect that you do your part in ensuring our nation's sustainable development, starting now". This line shows that he is still human, that he cannot do everything on his own. Even though a nation has a very great leader, if its people will not want to participate or cooperate, nothing will change. There will be no progress on that nation. 



  1. Seems like you've done your research very well, you've done a good post!

  2. I like the lines that you have mentioned here in your blog. These caught my attention too. :))

  3. I agree on what you said--- "This line shows that he is still human, that he cannot do everything on his own." The problem is not on him but to those Filipinos who never get satisfied.

  4. Nice title! I really love how you composed your blog! I appreciate your efforts!Lovelots,hope to see more interesting blogs from you!!


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